Before my first birth, I researched what to take with me on a dozen websites. They all pretty much said the same things. I made a list of what I needed and packed everything. In the end, I didn't need most of them and didn’t have the energy to use others.
For my second birth, I had a suitcase which I split up and used half to bring items for birth and the other half for afterbirth recovery.
Here I have collected the things that were most helpful for me. Some of them you will need during birth and some after your little one arrives. I have also included some things you’ll need after you have spent a couple of days in a hospital.
First before the Birth:
ID and Insurance Card - ID for everyone attending the birth and insurance card for you. You may have your insurance card on your phone.
Blankets and pillows. These will help you to be warm and cozy.
Water. You will have limited water or just a tap. Hydration is a key for a healthy recovery.
Body cream. After the epidural, you might have severe itchiness. Body cream may be your only relief.
Hairbrush. While you are waiting for your baby to come, you might want to brush your hair to look your best to meet the baby (and the pictures).
Headphones. In case you want to listen to some music to relax.
Lip balm. So you don’t suffer from dry or cracked lips.
House slippers and socks. Buy nice warm non-slip socks. Treat yourself.
*I got two comfy ones with lovely writings on them, check out the pictures.
After Birth in the recovery room:
Warm blanket and baby clothes. The hospital will be cold and your baby will want to snuggle.
Baby clothes to go home. You will have some hospital clothing but it’s so nice to put the baby in his or her first onesie. You will treasure your baby’s first outfit long after your child grows up.
Mother clothes to go home. Take whatever you’d like to wear during the car ride home.
Car Seat. It’s a law, so I don't think you will forget about it.
Baby’s Full Legal Name. You will need a first name, middle name, and surname for the birth certificate before your discharge.
Blankets, pillows, food, and warm clothes for the partner. The hospital won’t provide anything for them.
Glasses or contact lenses. In case you forget a contact lens solution, you can ask nurses about it and they will provide some for you.
Phone charger. Take a picture of your baby’s first 48 fresh hours.
What I brought and didn’t use:
All types of bras. The hospital gave me their special gown for nursing.
All kinds of underwear. The hospital will provide you with surgical underwear and heavy-duty maternity pads.
A birth plan. I had one for the first birth, but the labor went in a different direction. It’s difficult to plan the birth. You can have plans A, B, C, but if everything won’t follow the plan, it’s ok.
A wonderful tip:
You can order food from restaurants even during a pandemic! All you need is someone to pick it up downstairs.
The most important part. You just gave birth. Ask for what you need. Most nurses are really kind and will try to help you.
You can invite an extra one or two people to be a part of your birth. It might be your partner, a doula, or a birth photographer.
During my first birth in 2019, I had a doula, partner, and birth photographer. It was wonderful because all these people cared about me and wanted me to have the best birth experience I could.
With my second birth in 2020 during the second wave of the pandemic, the hospital had special restrictions about who can join during the birth. In our hospital, Mount Sinai East, we could have only one partner and one licensed doula or a photographer with a doula license.
When the time comes, it’s important to have somebody who will capture your experience so you can return to it anytime you want.